Work Opportunity credit for certain 2013 new hires can save you tax

Wednesday, 29 May, 2013

If you’re considering expanding your staff, hiring from certain disadvantaged groups before the end of 2013 can save you tax. The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 extended the Work Opportunity credit for hires from most eligible groups through 2013.

Examples of eligible groups include food stamp recipients, ex-felons and nondisabled veterans who’ve been unemployed for four weeks or more, but less than six months. For these groups, the credit generally equals 40% of the first $6,000 of wages paid to qualifying employees, for a maximum credit of $2,400. A larger credit of up to $4,800 is generally available for hiring disabled veterans.

If you’re hiring veterans who’ve been unemployed for six months or more in the preceding year, the maximum credits are even greater:

  • $5,600 for nondisabled veterans, and
  • $9,600 for disabled veterans.

Please contact us for more information on how to qualify for the credit.

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