The revived research credit can still reduce your 2012 tax bill

Tuesday, 2 April, 2013

For many years, the research credit (also commonly referred to as the “research and development” or “research and experimentation” credit) has provided an incentive for businesses to increase their investments in research. But the credit expired at the end of 2011.

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA) extends the credit to 2012 and 2013. You can use the credit for virtually any research that benefits your business. Wages for researchers, the cost of research supplies and the cost of computer licensing for research purposes are all expenses that may qualify for the credit.

The credit is generally equal to a portion of qualified research expenses. It’s complicated to calculate, but the tax savings can be substantial. If you think you may qualify, please contact us for assistance. There’s still time to claim the credit for 2012.


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The blogs were developed with the understanding that Steiner & Wald,  CPAs, LLC is not rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or opinions on specific facts or matters and recommends you consult a professional attorney, accountant, tax professional, financial advisor or other appropriate industry professional.  These blogs reflect the tax law in effect as of the date the blogs were written.  Some material may be affected by changes in the laws or in the interpretation of such laws.  Therefore, the services of a legal or tax advisor should be sought before implementing any ideas contained in these blogs.  Feel free to contact us should you wish to discuss any of these blogs in more specific detail.