IRS provides penalty relief to certain late filers

Tuesday, 26 March, 2013

On March 20, the IRS issued guidance providing penalty relief to both individual and business taxpayers who file for an extension of their 2012 tax return and ultimately owe additional tax — but only if they meet certain criteria. First, the reason for filing for the extension must be that the taxpayer’s 2012 return involved forms whose publication was delayed because of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA), signed into law Jan. 2. Here’s a sampling of the delayed forms:

  • Form 8839: Qualified Adoption Expenses
  • Form 8863: Education Credits
  • Form 3800: General Business Credit
  • Form 5884: Work Opportunity Credit
  • Form 6765: Credit for Increasing Research Activities
  • Form 8844: Empowerment Zone Employment Credit
  • Form 8874: New Markets Credit

In addition, the taxpayer must make a good faith effort when filing for the extension to properly estimate the tax liability. Then that estimated amount must be paid by the return’s original due date, and any additional tax owed must be paid by the return’s extended due date.

If you’re considering filing for an extension due to delayed IRS forms, please contact us to help ensure you’ll qualify for penalty relief.

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