New IRS website provides health care law information for just about everyone

Wednesday, 21 August, 2013

Many provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 have recently gone into effect, and some significant provisions will do so in 2014 and 2015. To help individuals and families, employers (both large and small), and other organizations learn more about how they’ll be affected, the IRS has launched a new website: The site offers information on the tax benefits and responsibilities for various groups, such as:

  • Individuals and families — new additional Medicare taxes, changes to the itemized medical expense deduction and open enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace
  • Employers — determining whether you’re a large or small employer, shared responsibility payments for large employers, and the small business health care tax credit
  • Other organizations — tax provisions for insurers, certain other business types and tax-exempt and government organizations

While the new website provides substantial information on tax-related provisions of the health care act, it’s no substitute for professional advice. So please contact us for more information on how you can take advantage of any benefits available to you and minimize any negative tax consequences.

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The blogs were developed with the understanding that Steiner & Wald,  CPAs, LLC is not rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or opinions on specific facts or matters and recommends you consult a professional attorney, accountant, tax professional, financial advisor or other appropriate industry professional.  These blogs reflect the tax law in effect as of the date the blogs were written.  Some material may be affected by changes in the laws or in the interpretation of such laws.  Therefore, the services of a legal or tax advisor should be sought before implementing any ideas contained in these blogs.  Feel free to contact us should you wish to discuss any of these blogs in more specific detail.